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Motivation will spread you any passion to make your good mood.

Some tips to make you have a great day everyday, i got this tips after read my new book " SI CACING DAN KOTORANNYA " by Ajahn Brahm. One of quotes there i think its soo amazing to apply to our real life. Maybe its sounds simple but so valuable. After i read he's book and i applied to my real life its change my life. I was feel happy and very thankful for every grace from God. Breath of fresh air, and so much miracle coming up.

The tips to do for having a great day and happy for along day are,

1. When you waking up in the morning and starting to open your eyes.
    Don't do anything, just feel relax then take your breath and push it down do it as much as you can       until you really feel relax.

2. Taking a shower
     Take a shower will make you feel fresh and ready to do any your activities and make you feel confident. But before you come to touch your bathroom door and come in to take a shower, prefer you come to your mirror and see yourself there and smile to yourself. You know why, maybe for some people its sound like a silly things but do you know? Actually its fun and nice, i mean its make you more loving yourself. Smile to ourself its mean we are excited and trust ourselves so much that we are able to pass for everything will be happen today. Treat yourself better and otherwise it will treat you better too :).

3. Always starting to say BASMALLAH whenever you step over your food leaving your home.
   Bismillahirrahmanirrahim mean in the name of God ( Allah ), most Gracious, most Compassionate. Its beautifully poetic phrase which offers both deep insight and briliant inspiration.
It has often been said that the phrase Bismillahirrahmannirrahim, contains the true essence of the entire Quran, as well as the true essence of all religions. Muslim oftem say this phrase when embarking on any significant endeavor, and the phrase is considered by some to be a major pillar of Islam.

4. Smile to everyone you meet.
 Smile is the best make up you could wear. Smile is a spread words. You smile to others and others will smile too to you. One of foremost that endear you to others is your smiling face and good sense for humor. These two things to make human relations to never heights. A smile cost NOTHING, but it gives MUCH!!!.

5. Do something good, begin from the little thing that you can.
    Anything you do will affected the others. When you do something good it will spread out in the world. If you do good goodness will spread and if you do bad, negativity will spread. So what you planning to give away today? 1 people who do the good things would remember the others and realize them that the world is full of Good people. They will motivated to be Good!!.

"Dont wait happy for smile but smile now for happy".


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