The Translation of Popular Legal Terms in English and Indonesian: Kedudukan Hukum = Legal Standing Uji Materil = Judicial Review Constitutional Review = Uji Undang-Undang Dasar Peninjauan Kembali/ PK = Judicial Review An Appeal = Banding Draf/ Rancangan Undang-Undang (RUU) = A Bill Tergugat/ Terdakwa = A Defendant Penggugat = A Claimant/ Plaintiff Tersangka = A Suspect Terdakwa = Charged Pengacara/ Penasehat Hukum = A Lawyer/ Advocate Minor offences = Tipiring (Tindak Pidana Ringan) Perbuatan tercela/ penghinaan/Pertentangan hukum = Contempt of court Justice Collaborator = Saksi pelaku yang bekerja sama Diskriminasi Positif = Affirmative Actions Threshold = Ambang batas Access to Justice = Sama rata sama rasa District Attorney = Jaksa Wilayah Jaksa Agung = Attorney General Mahkamah Agung = Supreme Court Pelapor Tindak Pidana/Perdata = Whistle ...
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