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So today i'm going to share with you guys a little story about scammers.
Few days ago i saw a post on facebook about job vacancy which is the company offers a high salary.
I posted a comments there and i send my CV to apply that job. Few days later there is someone who contact me through facebook messenger. He warns me for not applying that job because the company is not good. He suggest me to look for another job that is better than that. He said that he is one of the victims who has involved with this company and join them for 2 month before he resigned. The company train and force them to be a brainwasher. They have to pretend as girl and using girl profile picture and their jobs is about to convince the victims and making money from this target. There are many people and job departments who is doing the same job. There also a models who they hire if the candidate want to make a video call or wondering that someone they communicate with is a real people or not. This company already set up everything as perfect to anticipate anything that might happen. 

As the HR of this company said, they offer me $800/month with free accommodation and meals 4 times a day. the working hours is from 9 am to 9 pm. 6 days work and 1 day off a week. They would place me between 3 countries; Dubai, Laos, Kamboja and Philippines. Especially for marketing positions they offer a jackpot bonus if they reach the target to gain a customers.  And as the story from someone who warn me before, many people who get scams from this company now has nothing left. Not less that them that had chosen to end their lives by this and some get treatment in the insane asylum.

First of all they would trying to approach and engaged with the target by dazzling them with their appearance; luxury cars, house, branded fashions, bags etc. then show them that they are really into them. Once they get the target's attentions and sympathize they gonna suggest the target to follow them for investing some money to the website that manage by themselves without the target knows. once twice third they might would profit, but the other company staff would making many policies and conditions when the target want to withdraw the money. Omg this is crazy. The target that the woman was blinded would not be able to thinking straight. they would say yes for everything this woman said because they really think that this woman is really into them and she wants this target become successful like her than they can have happily live in the future. They would sell all of their assets to invest more and more so they can gain more income and profits. And otherwise after they bankrupt this woman would go and leave him behind.

That was sad story. SO please, if you guys have a friend who have the same story like this let's warn them to be aware and keep think realistic. I wish this short story could be helpful for everyone that need to read this. Have a good day ahead!


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